Tuesday, April 24, 2012

32 Weeks

Wow! It is hard to believe that in 8 short weeks I will be a new mommy!
We are getting so excited and anxious to him to be here!

At 32 weeks Baby B is measuring 2 weeks ahead. He weighs about 4lbs. 14oz. which is pretty good size for right now.
Dr. Johansson said that he has a decent size head and long legs, which made his daddy pretty happy! She predicts he will be about 8lbs. 8oz. at birth. wow.

I no longer feel little kicks, they are full somersaults in there! I can tell when he is taking a big stretch because I get this bulge on my right side where his feet are.
He has been head down ever since our Target appointment at 23 weeks, I’m hoping he stays that was so we have no complications!

Cravings aren't too crazy, however, ketchup tastes EXTRA good and I probably disgust anyone who watches me eat it, sorry! Strawberry pop tarts are a must around 10am every morning! You know, just another morning snack.

Sleeping has been getting better ever since my hubby bought me a boppy to sleep with! I tell you what, not getting a good nights sleep is a killer these days!
Heartburn is worse than ever! During the day it is tolerable but laying down at night I want to DIE.. a huge thank you to tums for soothing my heartburn!!

The nursery almost complete, just a few odds and ends! I’m really happy with how it’s turning out, I will make a post of that on its own here shortly!

We will be delivering at McKay Dee and had the chance to go and take a tour of the Women’s Center. It is incredible and everyone there was so sweet!
It’s so good to know that we have the best hospitals here in Utah and all within an hour drive!
We pre-registered, toured the delivery rooms, postpartum rooms, and even the nursery where we saw 4 sweet newborns! Talk about precious!!
Then of course we enjoyed some great hospital food – why is it SO good? (Made me happy when our tour guide told us I could have all the meals I want, I will for sure take advantage of that!)

Brooklynn is still continuously asking when Baby B is going to be here.. she is so interested in everything that’s going on with him. Loves to pat my belly and talk about her “baby brudder”
She now assumes that her mom Alissa is having a baby too! Alissa told me the other day she said “Both of mys mommies are having babies” What an imagination she has! 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't notice your ketchup binging at lunch last weekend, so you are okay :)
    Can't wait until June 26th to meet him! Just kidding :) (June 26 is not for snotty kids and clowns).
    June 20th baby!!!!
