Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Half Way There...

Today marks my 20th WEEK of pregnancy and I feel like I have hit a milestone!

I can't believe that I am half way there, things have just been flying by, our sweet baby will be here before we know it!

  • Baby Black is moving more and more each day, he moves a lot during the day but most in the evenings. It is the best feeling, so reassuring of everything that is going on!

  • 95% of the nausea is gone - I've had a few episodes the past few weeks but nothing like it was.

  • Weird dreams, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! I don't know what part of this pregnancy is helping me out with these dreams but I wake up every morning wonder why the heck I dreamt about that!

  • The belly is growing, oh boy is it growing! - Rounding out and I'm loving it

  • Cravings - still not a lot but if you were to hand me salt & vinegar chips or a big fountain Coke I certainly wouldn't turn it down, and probably love you forever!

  • Recieved our crib/changer a few days ago, just waiting to paint and get some of Brooklynn's things organized! Plus get her a new "big girl bed" as she says!

  • Last ultra sounds he had his back turned to us and sitting on his bum, so we're still 10% UNSURE if he's really a boy, so please, keep your fingers crossed! :)

  • Loving our Dr., Julia Johansson at the Womens Circle of Life in South Ogden, I will be delivering at McKay Dee!

  • ABSOLUTELY LOVING my nails and hair growth! :) Thank you prenatals and these fabulous hormones! It's hard to keep up with my nails but they are so healthy right now!

  • Update on our sweet Brooklynn - she is getting so big and so grown up! She loves to do everything "Bys mys self" She is talking so well and seriously is hilarious these days. She keeps us going and going everytime we have her. She's full of energy and never slacks on giving loves!
    She loves playing with Kailee Bug, taking looong baths, of course going to Grandma's house (she's a little attached to Grandma Merrilee) loves going to Riley's games, watching her Mickey Mouse ClubHouse, juice (always has to have her sippy full of juice). Brooklynn all around is such a good little girl, her terrible 2's have shown here and there but she overall is a perfect little girl and we could not be luckier to have her in our family and to be making her a big sister in June! :)

    1 comment:

    1. Oh my goodness!! I LOVE it! It is so so cute! I can't wait to see you. Your little belly is adorable! LOVE YOU!!
