Tuesday, October 9, 2012

4 Months...

Well here is my monthly post now that this little babe is 4 Months!I cannot even believe it! This has been such a fun month with Brody, he’s been such a happy boy.At 4 Months:

  • He is giggling and smiling like crazy
  • He now rolls over completely
  • Loves putting everything and anything in his mouth
  • He LOVES toys - he has his favortie Monkey and Ball that he plays with
  • He is now eating 5 ounces every 3 hours
  • Still only sleeps for about 5 hours a night then wakes up to eat and will sleep another 2 or 3 hours
  • Naps for only about 30 minutes at a time for me but at day care he takes about 2-3 hour naps… WTF?
  • LOVES watching cartoons (Brooklynn loves when he watches “Reepunzle” with her. Aka -  Rapunzle)
  • Oh and we had our first MAJOR blowout… not fun! Lol.
  • He has really started to notice Bear a lot and will follow him and go cross-eyed when he is licking him.
We go for Brody’s 4 month check-up on the 24th so I will post his stats then.. He’s a big boy so this check-up will be interesting lol.

I love this kid so much and could seriously kiss him ALL day long!

Brody you are such a joy to us and we love every minute we spend with you. You’re so stinkin' cute and you make your mom and dad very happy and you have a big sister who is pretty proud of you already!


  1. Ohh.. He is so stinkin' cute!! I can't believe how time has flown by. Everytime I read or see what Brody can do, I can only picture that moment when I first laid eyes on him. He was a week old. You have a beautiful family, and us Knight's just love you all so much!!

  2. oh man! he is seriously SO cute!! I don't know if you got my other comment, Linds...but I totally lost your address. I don't know if you would still want that book or not??! I feel horrible for the delay. Let me know!
